Dave Rabbit Band Of The Week “Sinch” ... 10:00
It's no surprise that four bored suburban kids might decide to start a band in high school, maybe play a few "gigs", maybe even stick together for a few years and try to make it in the "big city." This may sum up how Sinch began in vocalist Jamie Stem's parents' garage circa 1994. But, their collective desire to create new sounds and incorporate technology into their music and performance has brought them to a greater path. Despite hitting a myriad of roadblocks along the way, Sinch has remained completely intact for the past ten years, dedicated to their pursuit. Sinch consists of five core members that come together to create, to construct, and deconstruct the art in their surroundings. Using guitarist Tony Lannutti's ominous guitar tones and singer Stem's ability to switch, with ease, from soft, passionate melodies into taut unnatural screams, the band steadily creeps its way into explosions. The intensity of emotions erupts through the group's collective pores. With Mike Abramson's driving bass lines and Dan McFarland's intricate drumming providing both the engine and fuel, there is just something special about this band that you can't quite put your finger on, and maybe don't want to.
Submitted by: daverabbit
Keywords: dave rabbit video music zone snich
Views: 35