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Diary of an Actress

Diary of an Actress

Diary of an Actress 2:05
Rachel Bailit's second live episode based on her popular Newspaper Column and Blog "Diary of An Actress" (www.diary.rachelbailit.com). Eternal Optimist and Dreamer Actress Rachel Bailit introduces one of her six unusual part-time jobs: Art Modeling in her second episode of "Diary of An Actress" Created and written by Rachel Bailit. Directed by Jayson Rahmlow (www.woodybrando.com/). Edited and Composited by Jayson Rahmlow. Produced by A-Lee-Lulee Productions. Hair and Make-up by Tammi T. Also, be sure to visit Rachel's website at: www.RachelBailit.com. Stay tuned for episode three when join Rachel on an "unusual" audition in Hollywood.
Submitted by: RachelBailit
Keywords: Rachel Bailit Diary of an Actress
Views: 297

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