Have A Wonderful Hawaiian Christmas 2:18
"Have A Wonderful Hawaiian Christmas" from Red Peters featuring The Alan Pinchloaf Singers and The Delicious Dips
"When my producer, Ed Grenga, came to me with "Have A Wonderful Hawaiian Christmas", I knew we had something special. It was so much fun and had an energy that was contagious. However, the song was not easy to sing in the studio. After watching the background singers struggle through a full, grueling 4 hour session, it took me 3 subsequent sessions to get my part right! Even though I had a lyric sheet with enlarged type right in front of me, I flubbed it almost every time. I was beginning to wonder if I could even do it. Finally, on day three, I was determined and the song flowed out of me like a urine sample. Now that I did it, I challenge anyone to sing it from beginning to end without messing up. Good luck!"- Red Peters
Submit your version to redpeters@oglio.com
Video Artist: Glenn Johanson
Song Producer: Eddie Grenga
Cover Art: Timothy Shamey
Available at iTunes now!
Submitted by: redpeters
Keywords: red peters hawaiian christmas comedy music stern sirius hawaiia don ho funny song
Views: 456
Have A Wonderful Hawaiian Christmas